Why submit your book to the Publisher's Choice Book Awards?
Because having a publisher award your book catapults you into the spotlight, setting you apart from the masses in your genre.
Not only does it boost your credibility and prestige within the industry, but it also significantly increases your book sales.
What makes the Publisher's Choice Book Awards truly unique?
Unlike other awards, where books compete against each other, our awards are based solely on merit. Each book is judged on its own excellence, ensuring that every deserving manuscript receives its due recognition through our point system.

Are you ready to elevate your book to new heights of recognition and success?.
Look no further! The Publisher's Choice Book Awards is your gateway to standing out in the competitive world of publishing.
With three prestigious awards up for grabs –
Silver, and
Bronze –
there's ample opportunity for your book to shine, regardless of its genre.
If your book wins an award, you will receive one of these beautiful seals for the cover of your book

You will also receive this certificate that you will be proud to frame and display at book events.

You will also be given the option to purchase this beautiful custom-engraved trophy that you will treasure forever.
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The Publisher will as provide you with a review to use as you market your book.

Don't miss this chance to showcase your literary masterpiece to the world.
Submit your book to the Publisher's Choice Book Awards today and take your place among the literary elite!